When it comes to marketing any small business -not just therapy practices- the ONE major thing to keep in mind is that there's a lot you can do for free that does not require any learning or giving of money to shady marketers. First and foremost, the Google Business Profile. This is one of the very first things you should do after making your PLLC / DBA name, and you do not need a website to have a Google Business Account. Creating these accounts are free and majorly boost your SEO when you connect websites to them. These profiles also let people review your business and see other reviews which further prompts Google to push your practice higher in the search results. Just remember to be proactive with asking for people to review your page, and then responding to them!
Additionally, ensure that all the information you input on your Google Business Profile is accurate and up to date, as this helps build trust with both Google and potential clients. Adding high-quality photos of your office or services can also enhance your visibility and give a more personal touch to your profile.
Now, if you want to go hard core into the Google strategy, start using all of the post and messaging features within your profile to engage with your audience and share updates, special offers, or events directly on Google.
The next most impactful move you can make for free online is to set up your social media accounts, and keep their login info organized. It's a good idea to go ahead and reserve the usernames for your business so that when you do decide to post, no one else has taken your name.

Your social media account is what potential clients will look at when they try to imagine themselves in a conversation with you. So keep in mind when you post to social media, "What do I want my potential clients to feel or learn with this message?"
One thing to avoid doing at all costs on social media, is make an "Ad post." This means the post has no informational or entertainment value, and is just telling viewers to book a call or "find their mental peace today!" That's a free way to get people to unfollow your new business page.
The final thing that you can do online for free outreach as a small business is go directly to the audience and show them you care. When you notice people like your page or content, give them a message! Don't immediately ask if they want to book or buy, rather simply let them know you appreciate them being part of your growing online community, and you're there if they need you. I hope you enjoyed these tips, and if you'd like even more advice on free things you can do online for your therapy practice or small business, book a consultation call today!